This lesson looks at Muslim and Christian attitudes to contraception, differing views in each religion and types of contraception.
Taught over a double period with extended writing opportunity.
If you wish to give students extra notes after the Islam video then photocopy information from a textbook. I have used pages 80-1 in the EDEXCEL Religious Studies Religion and Life Christianity & Islam text book.
This lesson looks at funerals and their meanings in Christianity, Islam and Humanism.
Range of activities with differentiation.
Textbook used is the new WJEC 9-1 book.
These are tests and model answers that were created to be used as mock papers and revision tools for Y11.
Papers/Sections included:
Issues of Relationships
Issues of Life and Death
Study of Christianity
Study of Islam
This lesson is the fourth in an oracy-based KS3 RE programme taught in single periods (50 minutes).
It looks at Noah’s Ark and how this could link to the current state of the world and how humans abuse it.
Oracy-based RE allows students to explore key concepts and issues in RE whilst developing their oracy and group skills.
Lesson was planned for the new WJEC spec.
Information about viewpoints is in the PPT.
Lesson looks at:
What capital punishment is
Where practices it and asks them to consider why
Key facts about capital punishment
Capital punishment in the UK
Liberal/Conservative/Quaker Christian views, majority/abolition Muslim views, Humanists, non-religious views
Exam question
The lesson looks at Christian and Muslim views on homosexuality and a range of viewpoints in each religion. Includes quotes specified in the new spec and the use of sources. Extended writing opportunity included.
Lesson looks at Islamic Marriage in context of new WJEC GCSE spec. Includes needed religious teachings, features of the ceremony, how Muslims select partners and key terms. H/L asks them to look at temporary marriage from Sunni and Shia perspectives.
This lesson was created as part of an RE introduction unit for the WJEC Entry Pathways Humanities qualification.
It looks at where Islam orginated, the 5 pillars and a homework piece on Muhammad.
vocab activities
formative assessment
Extended writing opportunity
This is a SOL which is based around oracy skills and the RE content of suffering.
It is based on students having a 1 double-period lesson every 2 weeks.
Also included is a knowledge organiser for this unit.
Home learning
Formative assessment
Students had a general lesson on inequality, prejudice and discrimination before this lesson (available on TES) which provided the groundwork for this lesson.
In this lesson students look at Christian and Muslim responses to racism through religious teachings and the actions of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Includes exam practice. All resources included in PPT.
This lesson is the first in an oracy-based KS3 RE programme taught in single periods (50 minutes).
It looks at the history of religion, how they are related and why there are different religions.
Oracy-based RE allows students to explore key concepts and issues in RE whilst developing their oracy and group skills.
This lesson looks at what religion is, what God is considered to be like, aspects of different religions and which countries are most closely associated with 4 of the main religions.
This lesson was created for Entry Level Pathways, an alternative qualification for those which GCSE courses may not be suitable.
Lesson includes:
Formative assessment
Please note: the Noah’s Ark do now is linked to the previous lesson. I have not included this activity in the resources section as you will probably not have done this and I have use a premade storyboard. These are easily available via Google images if you wish to use this task.
This is an introductory unit for WJEC Entry Pathways Humanities, comprised of a SOL and a knowledge organiser.
It includes:
A ‘lighting fires’ lesson
What is religion?
Basics of Christianity and Islam
This gives them a basis on which to frame the RE elements of the Humanities pathway.
Also includes: home learning, WALTs and WILFs, formative assessment, differentiation.
This lesson is part of an RE introduction unit for the WJEC Entry Pathways Humanities qualification and takes place after a lesson with a piece of extended writing that is teacher marked.
This lesson looks at what atheism is and why some people do not believe in God.
Formative assessment
Vocab activities
Lesson for the new WJEC spec that looks at how and why prison conditions have changed and the role of prison chaplains.
Activities and notes:
Discussion about current conditions in UK prisons
Key terms
John Howard and Elizabeth Fry (video and info from new WJEC book - see notes section on slide)
Facilities in modern prisons
Role of prison chaplains
This lesson is the third in an oracy-based KS3 RE programme taught in single periods (50 minutes).
It looks at the Parable of The Good Samaritan and what it can teach us. This has been structured in a P4C format.
Oracy-based RE allows students to explore key concepts and issues in RE whilst developing their oracy and group skills.
All the materials needed for a revision session. This was delivered during the Easter holidays in a carousel between 4 teachers. Can be used for after school revision or in class also.
Topics covered: salvation, pilgrimage, sacraments, role of the church in the local community and worldwide.
Includes exam guidance, success criteria and how to write a justified conclusion. Has a, b, c and d style questions for each topic (so 4 x 30 minute exam papers) with model answers and notes for teachers to help guide discussions.
This lesson looks briefly at the religious demography of the UK and the importance of studying RE.
Course outline is for the WJEC/Eduqas Route A course.
This pack was created for home study during the coronavirus outbreak. Please note that textbooks were given to our students. However, there is a scanned copy of the Hodder Education Eduqas Route A RE book available online which could be used by students to complete this work.
This work is 4 x double lessons (4 x 1 hr 40) covering evil and suffering.